Mechanical Engineering Concept

Smart Charger Monitoring System using Arduino

Smart charger monitoring system using Arduino

Mechanical Engineering Concept

IOT based smart agriculture monitoring system project

IOT plays a very important role in smart agriculture.

Mechanical Engineering Concept

IOT Based Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Rescue System

IOT based accident detection system helps to reduce the loss of life due to accidents

Mechanical Engineering Concept

IOT Based Heart Monitoring System Using ECG

This heart monitoring system also helps to inform the person whether he/she has any heart diseases or not.

Mechanical Engineering Concept

Face Recognition Door Lock System Using Raspberry Pi

The face samples that are authorized are collected to open the lock

Mechanical Engineering Concept

Automatic Road Reflector Light

The proposed system is designed to sense the intensity of ambient light and work accordingly

Mechanical Engineering Concept

Auto Water Pump Switcher

Idea that simply turns on or off your pump depending on your water supply

Mechanical Engineering Concept

Hybrid Inverter with Solar Battery Charging

Hybrid Inverter with Solar Battery Charging

Mechanical Engineering Concept

Wireless Mobile Charging Project

Wireless Mobile Charging Project

Mechanical Engineering Concept

Solar UPS Project

A solar based ups project that uses solar energy to charge battery and then the DC battery is used to power an AC load using inverter

Mechanical Engineering Concept

Switching Load by Touch

The project's goal is to swap loads utilising a touch-based switch

Mechanical Engineering Concept

Overvoltage and Undervoltage Protection System

This project aims at protecting the electrical equipment from over and under voltages using just an Arduino and voltage sensor at a low cost

Mechanical Engineering Concept

Arduino alcohol sense engine lock

The system consists of an Arduino nano board along with a gas sensor for detection

Mechanical Engineering Concept

Arduino Covid Disinfection Box

Arduino covid disinfection box